Family photos Beacon Rock

Newborn baby Raven makes Meyers Family a unit of 4!

Born in 2020, in the middle of a pandemic, but this mama and baby didn’t let any of that get them down. Since being born little baby R has been on more outside adventures than most city folk will go on in a whole year. This adventurous Portland family is raising their kids outside and it is such a joyful life to watch. And their sunset family photo session in the Columbia River Gorge was just a perfect way to celebrate their appreciation for the great outdoors.


At Home Maternity Session

I love outdoor sessions most, but in home lifestyle sessions come a very close second. Gimme a glowing and silly mama and her energetic 3 year old and I am even happier! This in home maternity boudoir lifestyle session morphed quickly into a mommy and me session. It was so much fun to capture the calm beautiful mama-to-be and the active mama-to-be throwing her kid around. 

Mommy to be or Mommy and me, I'll take all the sessions like this one please!